Show and Invert RGB Colors in C#

This post will demonstrate how to show and convert colors when the Red Green & Blue values of those colors are given. We simple use a function and supply the Red, Green and Blue components in the parameter list. We shall also see how to Invert a color. In the image below the text color is set by the user. The background color is automatically set which is the Invert of the Text color. See image below to have a look at the final output of our WinForms application:

Named Arguments in .Net C#

Named Arguments are an alternative way for specifying parameter values in function calls. They work so that the position of the parameters would not pose problems. Therefore it reduces the headache of remembering the positions of all parameters for a function. It also helps to avoid the excess overloading of functions that contain less or more of the same set of parameters. 

They work in a very simple way. When we call a function, we would write the name of the parameter before specifying a value for the parameter. In this way, the position of the argument will not matter as the compiler would tally the name of the parameter against the parameter value. This makes it unnecessary to remember the organisation of the parameters in the function definition. 

Optional Parameters in .Net

Optional Arguments were introduced in C# 4.0 and this article will show you how to use them. Optional Arguments are necessary when you specify functions that have a large number of arguments. It can cut down time by making you pass on argument values to the most needy parameters in a situation. 

Optional Arguments are what their name suggests i.e. even if you do not specify them, its perfectly OK. But it doesn't mean that they have not taken a value. In fact we specify some default values that the Optional Parameters take when values are not supplied in the function call. In this way we gain the functionality of easily setting values once and using these values several times as a default unless something different is needed.